Looks like summer in Norway :D
Don't think I'll ever miss you'r noisy ass now that Belle is around :P
Belle at Sharifs, gettn' new shoes.
Stian R gettin' dem drinks @ Blingoen.
My old dawgs from t Fcukup Foundation.
Twenty and Benji.
I took off the pink wristband from the EMAs in Berlin and realized I've always had a ticket-writband on the last 2 years. This is the ones I saved as memories.... "Please MTV, send me more wristbands!"
Why can't you guyes understand that you can't stress the music ?
Not shure how ama handle this, this time around to make the shit fly.
I've recorded some new DEMO tracks, getting some hits toghether.
Making songs in Norwegian, so dem stupid assholes can understand the lyrics.
Thinking about getting a big ass fan yo.
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