
Friday, March 29, 2024

Being famous is no joke.

People sure put in a lot of effort to pretend that they have no idea who I am.
It's sort of funny, but I'm happy when they really don't.
Back in the days, I really got that ball rolling, and I was starting to get ahead in the world.
Still, my music didn't pay me a living wage for very long, despite the fact that I'd invest serious money and time into that.
I was getting press, streams and things where starting to get a flow to it after my first album.
Got some attention from the biggest players in the game, and then I was picked up by MTV.
I went to the same school as the biggest Hip-Hop producer of all times in Norway, and I had all the connections.

They say that if you piss of the right people, you know you are doing something right, and I was definitely doing that.
It all came down to how I ran things; independent.
They would not let me work like that, because they wanted a piece of the pie, and that whole bias industry sure where not going to let me have my piece of the pie that I had been baking since the day I was born.
At the end of the day, they set me up, and being as independent, I had noone to back me up.

Everyone fell for it.
Like people who know me, close friends and family all ate that shit right up.
They know me, still they bought all those lies.
"They saw what really happened", however they didn't, like simple magic tricks, they never gave it a 2nd though, so I went from B list celebrity to D list over night.
I never cared if random people came up to me and talked smack, because I smack them right back.
However the people who knew me better, that's what's killing me.

Like on the verge of eating the pie in the sky.
All that momentum gone in a split second when I was 19 years old.
All the spite of people pretending they don't know who I am, but they sure as hell would never treat anyone they didn't know in that manner.
Yet, I'm a respectable person, you can bet your ass people know why not to step on my blue swayed.

It's been a long time, yet it still lingers.
The mistakes I made when I was young, is still shaping my life.
15 years have passed, and people tell me "it's so long ago, noone remember that".
Yet I'm reminded from one time to another, that I'm yet to claim my victory.
Being beaten with you hands tied to your back, is a special feeling.
No way to fight back in that moment, still I can see in their eyes, that they are already regretting it.

My first album was almost called "I'm not dead yet".
To this day, that is true.
Despite their efforts, I'm way stronger than they'll ever be.
They don't know it, even if they should've seen it already back then.
Victim to their own lazyness, they forged their own downfall.

The ball is once again rolling.
This time I owe noone anything.
I still have sponsors, but never the ones they will see coming.
I still have listeners, but who'd imagine what they are listening too.
The red carpets are being rolled out for me yet again, but this time there is no hype.
This time there is no good will carrying me, the underdog is slowly and steady becoming the heavy hitter.

From scratch.

Oh, and yeah, I went to a festival.
Haven't really dropped to much, but I've been lurking way more.
Maybe I do more blogging, as I've dropped out of social media these last 15 years.
SiD is officially dead, however FANWLKr is fricking liwid

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